Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nude Reservations

It pulses and shimmers upon her skin
Like a serpent coursing ripples over naked breasts
The salty taste of my lips, in droplets
Kissing at her cherry sweet lips
With my hand on the drumof my heart beating hard
As I roll her, smoke her, chokes on her
And I drift into the parted waters of Moses
Head relaxing on soft thighs... sigh
As she Presses, caresses, touches herself to
The smooth script of my charm
The high-rise, bouncing off friction
As I ID her, owns her over a melody of 'we'
Be... it is the memory of us, hesitation
On propaganda pointing my eye
To the nude portrait of her and I
It is the memory of a promise, 'Love'
That pulses and shimmers upon her skin

Charles 20X

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We are greedy
for dreams.
We are greedy
for the silence
We are greedy
for knowledge that
swims by like tiny fishes.

We are craving
for beauty.
And we hunger
for connection.
There is warmth
in flesh on flesh
that ever lingers.

That which we build
Is what we burn.
We claw doors open
to strange new rooms
We are greedy
for just one glimpse
of worlds forbidden.

We are greedy
for love.
We are monsters,
tender monsters

for what love can make us.